The drama has a strong and caliber casts which everybody are at its best especially Linda Chung and Moses Chan. Again, this proved i have a good taste... ckckck....
Another strong cast is Susanna Kwan and Lee Sze Kei. Still, the older the better. Susanna Kwan as a villain character in the show is excellent.
I was overwhelmed by the show with such a good storyline. The moment i like the best was when they came out with the golden words and their conversation is so interesting with meaningful mind behind.
My fave scenes:
- Alfred and Shong Coi Sum blogs were so sweet.
- Dat Dat Dei and Shong Coi Sum scenes.
- Dai Kai's golden words.
- Dai Kai's advice by using words
- Warmness in the family.
Cute ringtones:
Some of the golden words
- 大家喺前門捉賊,你地就喺後欄放火!
- 你唔好對號入座!總之邊個做過自己心知肚明!
- 我話係就係,唔駛證據!呢度唔係法庭,唔需要證據,我對眼就係證據!
- 我睇人睇咗幾十年,邊個係人,邊個係鬼我睇得到!
- 佢錯左,我地幫佢彌補囉,唔通加一腳伸佢出大海先安樂?
- 未登天子位,先置殺人刀!
- 不賢妻,不孝子,頂趾鞋,無法治!
- 有口也是和,無口也是禾,大家要和和氣氣。
- 甜的吃,苦的吃,酸的也要吃! (大鮑:你再唔講實話,屎也有得你吃)
- 多兒多女多冤家,無兒無女坐蓮花。
- 我真係唔明你地講咩,完全都冇興既
- 昆明擺檔擺明昆呀!
- 咪睇佢笑騎騎,毒過響尾蛇呀!
- 耳聽三分假,眼看未為真。
Another highlight is the theme and sub-theme. The lyrics in the theme song perfectly resemble each character in the drama. Thumbs up to Susanna by singing the song.
The sub-theme was sang by Raymond and Linda which is a good song but i personally think Linda needs more practice her singing skill especially singing live.
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