ups and downs revolve in her circle of life

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Bourne and Techy idea....

Yeahh.... finally i went to watch Bourne Ultimatum after been released for 1 or 2 weeks. The movie was just great. However, Matt Damon looked old and gained weight in the show. Indeed, his performance was still good.

The best scene i liked was the drifting skill in NYC..... Maybe this wouldn't happen in real world, that's why i admired it.....

But one disappointing thing is they never really mentioned David and Nick relations. :(

Aside to that, I think the cameraman did a great job in filming the movie.

I had to say the commercials before the movie starts was a lot, even though we didn't go in on time, but still manage to catch at least 10 commercials. I thought Lido will not have TVCs before the movie started. Can you imagine that there was only 2 trailers compared to 10 commercials?
Maybe it is the movie title that attracts lots of ad bookings....

While spotting Sony Feel commercial, i started to daydream of what would be a great idea if the tech stuff we owned as our electronics are all connected to each other. Cell phone does not need a huge memory card to file the songs as it's connected and wifi to our laptop at home. So we can choose any song immediately when would like to listen to it. It just need a button or a chip to make it happens.

Well, i believe this wouldn't happen in the near future.......

Bee Hoon

Well, i know it's bad to laugh about people name, but this is something i would like to share. Recently i made a call to one of the administrative office and they referred me to a lady called Bee Hoon. She even spelled out the name for me.

Since the incident, i kept thinking of her name, Bee Hoon. When i told my colleagues, their first response was, 'where is Cha Kwue Tiau..... ?'

Afterwards, we were started to think what would her chinese name be while her han yu bin yin is Bee Hoon. So we came up a few names as Mi Fen (real bee hoon), Mei Fen, Mei Hun, and etc... We suddenly just stopped as it got worse......

This lead me to think a scene that she would have made if she went to food court or hawker center to order a Bee Hoon.

The scene might be as follow:

Food court while uncle was busy taking order at the same time frying his wok
Uncle: "What would you like, miss? Please leave your name as well."
Bee Hoon (BH): "Uncle, i want one plate of $3 bee hoon and i'm Bee Hoon."
Without paying full attention, the uncle reacted
Uncle: Miss what's your name?
BH: Bee Hoon
Uncle started to arkle and agitate
Uncle: Miss, your name please
BH: Bee Hoon
Uncle: Miss, i ask your name not your order lah
BH: Bee Hoon
Unlce: Miss, are you kidding me? Don't play play here, i have lots of order to take, do you know it's lunch time hour now? (started to screammm......)
BH: Uncle, i ordered bee hoon and my name is BEE HOON.

Then my friend cut it off as, do you think it's a Starbucks or Coffee Bean where you actually left name for your orders. This is hawker center. hahahahaah.... isnt' it hillarious?

Well this thing did happened to my friend whose name is Li Li where she has problem to give her first name and last name.

Once, when i was OT at the office and called for takeaways. I told the waiter i would like Sin Mi (SG Bee Hoon) as written in the menu. The waiter replied: What? Sin Mi, we don't have it wat is sin mi? I have to reply that is in your menu it is written as Sin Mi, to which i think is SG Bee Hoon..... ckckck....

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The usage of emoticons.....

This page is dedicated to my mom...

My parents are currently in my hometown. We are communicated through MSN most of the time. I could see that my mom's skilled in msn has improved a lot. Indeed, she typed faster than my dad. Well, my dad used to say that my mom was slow and typed slower.

The amazing part is she know how to use emoticons, not MSN default emoticon, but the manual emoticon. She even insisted us to teach her how to add and use it.... isn't that amazing? Even my sister has a problem on that, well my sis is quite dumb in tech stuff.

Despite the fact that i need to rethink of the words she typed. Overall, DOUBLE THUMBS UP to my mom ^^..... let's clap for her.....

License to Wed

Last Tuesday, i received a free ticket to watch 'License to Wed' which was quite amused. Even though, review was only 1 1/2 star but i still insisted to watch the show maindly was due to Robin Williams. I have always loved his movies.

Well, with this romantic comedy theme, everybody can guess what is the storyline and usually you don't expect that much. In my point of view, i won't judge whether a movie is good or bad until i have personally watch it. So most of the times, i won't believe in the reviews unless it's by the critics.

Moreover, i mainly don't trust 8D/IW where they are quite bias and being paid to write. Most of the times, their review are just bad for everything, from food to movies and etc.

Well, back to the movie, it was short and funny. I think the jokes are hillarious. I was giggling throughout the movie. I found out there are some scenes where sgan didn't get the jokes ... ckckck.....

There is one particular scene which i found quite funny where they were trying to explain there was a bond on husband and wife while the husband was holding his wife's hand during the delivery. The husband had actually requested for epidural before even the wife requested...

Besides that, Mandy Moore was quite sweet in the movie...


This is one of the best satisfying drama I have ever watched since War and Beauty. Over the past 10 years, TVB had not released such a good script since 'Secret of the Heart' and ' War and Beauty'. I ranked it excellent and hillarious.

The drama has a strong and caliber casts which everybody are at its best especially Linda Chung and Moses Chan. Again, this proved i have a good taste... ckckck....

Another strong cast is Susanna Kwan and Lee Sze Kei. Still, the older the better. Susanna Kwan as a villain character in the show is excellent.

I was overwhelmed by the show with such a good storyline. The moment i like the best was when they came out with the golden words and their conversation is so interesting with meaningful mind behind.

My fave scenes:
- Alfred and Shong Coi Sum blogs were so sweet.
- Dat Dat Dei and Shong Coi Sum scenes.
- Dai Kai's golden words.
- Dai Kai's advice by using words
- Warmness in the family.

Cute ringtones:

Some of the golden words
- 大家喺前門捉賊,你地就喺後欄放火!
- 你唔好對號入座!總之邊個做過自己心知肚明!
- 我話係就係,唔駛證據!呢度唔係法庭,唔需要證據,我對眼就係證據!
- 我睇人睇咗幾十年,邊個係人,邊個係鬼我睇得到!
- 佢錯左,我地幫佢彌補囉,唔通加一腳伸佢出大海先安樂?
- 未登天子位,先置殺人刀!
- 不賢妻,不孝子,頂趾鞋,無法治!
- 有口也是和,無口也是禾,大家要和和氣氣。
- 甜的吃,苦的吃,酸的也要吃! (大鮑:你再唔講實話,屎也有得你吃)
- 多兒多女多冤家,無兒無女坐蓮花。
- 我真係唔明你地講咩,完全都冇興既
- 昆明擺檔擺明昆呀!
- 咪睇佢笑騎騎,毒過響尾蛇呀!
- 耳聽三分假,眼看未為真。

Another highlight is the theme and sub-theme. The lyrics in the theme song perfectly resemble each character in the drama. Thumbs up to Susanna by singing the song.

The sub-theme was sang by Raymond and Linda which is a good song but i personally think Linda needs more practice her singing skill especially singing live.