ups and downs revolve in her circle of life

Saturday, August 18, 2007

License to Wed

Last Tuesday, i received a free ticket to watch 'License to Wed' which was quite amused. Even though, review was only 1 1/2 star but i still insisted to watch the show maindly was due to Robin Williams. I have always loved his movies.

Well, with this romantic comedy theme, everybody can guess what is the storyline and usually you don't expect that much. In my point of view, i won't judge whether a movie is good or bad until i have personally watch it. So most of the times, i won't believe in the reviews unless it's by the critics.

Moreover, i mainly don't trust 8D/IW where they are quite bias and being paid to write. Most of the times, their review are just bad for everything, from food to movies and etc.

Well, back to the movie, it was short and funny. I think the jokes are hillarious. I was giggling throughout the movie. I found out there are some scenes where sgan didn't get the jokes ... ckckck.....

There is one particular scene which i found quite funny where they were trying to explain there was a bond on husband and wife while the husband was holding his wife's hand during the delivery. The husband had actually requested for epidural before even the wife requested...

Besides that, Mandy Moore was quite sweet in the movie...

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